Stage 6


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LitKit – Communicating the Primary English Curriculum.


LitKit has identified the specific, age-related objectives that need to be taught in each year group. A range of assessment tools have been created to track pupil progress and attainment across all aspects of the Literacy Curriculum – spelling, handwriting, composition and grammar. LitKit is consistently colour coded each aspect of the curriculum, throughout every year group, for ease of use and accessibility. These tools include an assessing pupil progress (APP)-style grid as well as ‘Book Looks’ which can be placed in the front of pupil books to monitor progress throughout the year.

LitKit has developed a comprehensive, inclusive, progressive assessment system. Developed by teachers who understand that every child matters, the LitKit assessment system allows all children to be assessed alongside their peers. This assessment negates the need to assess children below their year group. LitKit has consistently colour coded their assessment system across the year groups. Red statements indicate national curriculum stated objectives for the year group. Blue statements expose pupils early to objectives stated at working at age expected or working at a greater depth (giving pupils a greater chance of achieving these objectives). Green statements indicate objectives which have been brought up from previous year groups allowing children working below their year group to be assessed using the same document.

At a Glance Guides

LitKit was designed and developed by teachers for teachers. We understand how important subject knowledge is to aid learning, progress and professional development. Therefore, useful ‘At a Glance’ guides have been created for spelling, handwriting, composition and grammar to inform teachers short and long term planning for each year group. The clear layout and design allows teachers to glimpse the objectives for their year group quickly. LitKit is consistently colour coded each aspect of the curriculum, throughout every year group, for ease of use and accessibility.

Target Sheets

LitKit recognises the importance of placing pupils at the centre of the assessment process. As a result, LitKit has developed pupil friendly, age related targets in spelling, handwriting, composition and grammar to be shared with the pupils. These targets are also traffic lighted to indicate objectives which are working towards age expected, working at age expected and working at a greater depth. Detailed examples for each target enable pupils to understand what their next steps in learning are. LitKit is consistently colour coded each aspect of the curriculum, throughout every year group, for ease of use and accessibility.

Teaching Prompts

LitKit offers hand held, easy to use spelling, grammar and handwriting prompts. The hand held spelling prompt booklets can be used alongside any current system the school has in place. Alternatively, spellings have been grouped together in a suggested weekly teaching guide. The LitKit teaching prompts include all age-related spellings outlined in the national curriculum as well as the statutory spelling lists for each year group.

The hand held grammar prompt booklet has been created as a quick reference guide to everything grammar. Grammar objectives for each year group are clearly outlined in a progressive format so that every year group teacher is aware of the objectives throughout the school. The handwriting prompt also offers reminders on letter and number formation and indicates the hand writing families for the letter types.